Sunday, September 16, 2007

Belated Birthday Wish to Janet Frame, A New Zealand Author

Celebrating the Birthday of Janet Frame
August 28, 1924 – January 29, 2004
Poet, Novelist – New Zealand

One of the exciting benefits about film is that you encounter people you may never otherwise encounter. I rented a film, An Angel at My Table, by director Jane Campion. You may recognize Jane’s name as the director of The Piano starring Holly Hunter and Sam Neill.

As a film, An Angel at My Table was unusual. It isn't a film that I see would have wide appeal, nor would I recommend it universally but there are people who would find it very interesting.

The characters are strongly portrayed but the pace is a little slow. It did; however, give me an introduction to a woman in history of whom I hadn't yet encountered. It features the life of Janet Frame, a poet and novelist from New Zealand.

Janet grew up with three sisters and a brother but it seems that she was a very shy person and had a lot of trouble connecting with people. Her social struggles led to her admitting herself into an insane asylum for treatment. It wasn't until she gained popularity with writing and made friends with other writers and artists that she seemed to "fit in".

Do you ever feel that your creative activities practically save you? It is almost as if their voice, their manifestation buoys you in life? According to the criticism published about Janet's life, Janet felt as if her writing saved her life, literally.

Looking for more?
Listen to Janet Frame read her poem "Friends Far Away Die"

Read three recently published poems by Janet Frame. "The End", "The Happy Prince", and "Eater of Crayfish".

About the author: Allison Frederick is a writer and online marketing educator for other creative women. offers free Web 2.0 resources. She is also the author of an upcoming novel, A Portrait of Josephine, an academic-lite thriller. Find out how to receive a free copy of the novel by visiting

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